Centro Tessile Serico is a nonprofit, public-private join stock company, offering support services on production activities in the textile-clothing system.
Seri.co is a product and process certification system based on a Disciplinary the application of which – by Companies - is intended to provide the highest guarantees:
A certification that assures the quality and the health and safety requirements of the textile product and the production system from which the product is born.
XXXVI Convegno Osservatorio Distretto Tessile di ComoGiovedì, 20 Febbraio 2025, alle ore 17:00, presso il Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile Srl in Via Castelnuovo 3 a Como, si è svolto il consueto appuntamento dell’Osservatorio del distretto tessile di Como, organizzato da Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile Srl, con la collaborazione...